Friday, January 8, 2010

Tattoo Removal Methods and Myths

With many, if not most, people regretting their tattoos the tattoo removal industry is booming. There's many methods available, but not all are safe or effective.

Myth: My tattoo will be completely gone after getting it removed.

Although some methods work better than others, tattoos will ultimately leave their mark behind permanently. Tattoo removal methods are great for fading tattoos and making them less noticeable, but ultimately there will be a faded picture indicating there was once a tattoo there.

Myth: Laser tattoo removal is an option for anyone.

Removing tattoos with lasers is the most popular method of tattoo removal, but also the most costly. It uses high beams of light to fade the color, with 2-4 treatments required, depending on the tattoo and with each session at hundreds to thousands of dollars. A consultation is also required to see if the tattoo is a candidate for removal. So between cost, the type of tattoo and the pigment of the patient's skin, many people can't afford laser tattoo removal or aren't eligible.

Myth: It's just as effective to use at home kits.

Between Wrecking Balm and Tat B Gone, it may be more convenient to buy tattoo removal products through infomercials, but they won't be as effective as professional care. The products only change the pigment of your skin by lightening it, thus making your tattoo appear as if it faded.

Myth: Removing a tattoo will leave a scar.

It's extremely common to find scarring after a tattoo is removed, which happens in most cases. However, this isn't from the process of removing the tattoo. The scarring was initially from getting the tattoo in the first place, but it was hidden from the ink in the skin. So no, unless you're removing a tattoo through dermabrasion (the removing of skin), then removing a tattoo won't cause a scar.

Myth: Dermabrasion is just as effective as laser.

Dermabrasion remove the top layers of skin on your tattoo, which causes scarring in itself and is less effective than laser. It's less expensive than laser, since all you're doing is sanding down your skin, but it doesn't leave better results. There is more pain involved, several treatments, and takes longer so the skin can heal in between treatments.

Katie Cervantes
Live OC Magazine

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