Monday, February 22, 2010

DOs and DON'Ts

DON'T wear a sports bra for your top. It's distracting to everyone around you and looks like you're trying to show off. Go to the beach if you want to prove you have a six pack.

DO wear the proper bra. You don't want to distract your gym mates with a chest that isn't under control as you work out.

DON'T wear leggings as gym shorts. Leggings weren't really made to run in, and besides that, they're skin tight. There are tighter pants/shorts you can wear. Instead, opt for track pants.

DO replace shoes that you've already run 300-400 miles in. They're harder on your muscles when they're worn out and will even cause shin splints and muscle fatigue if they're not fitting as well. 

DON'T wear muscle shirts that are so ripped up that it doesn't hide anything. If you want to wear something without sleeves, make sure it covers the rest of your torso.

DO wear clean gym clothes for every workout. Just because you're going to be sweating in a matter of minutes doesn't mean you can wear the same clothes you wore to the gym yesterday.

DON'T wear clothes that are too big for you. Although you may be hiding something you're trying to work off, it's restricting and harder to work out if you have heavier clothes on. Wear items that fit and you'll get a better workout. 

DO wear socks. You're likely to stink up your gym shoes a lot quicker when you don't wear shoes, and your feet will have better grip with some low rise socks. 

DON'T wear old shirts that have pit stains or tears. Just because you're not at the office when you go to the gym doesn't mean you can look like a bum. Look decent, even when you sweat and work hard.

DO wear something that you can keep cool in and is easy to move around in. Gym clothes aren't meant to be restrictive. 

DON'T wear shorts that don't cover your bum. Just because they make the cutoff  in front of a mirror at home doesn't mean they won't rise when you're working out. 

Katie Cervantes
Live OC Magazine

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