Friday, February 26, 2010


Plus White

You can purchase Plus White at any drugstore or supermarket, and they're affordable at only $5 for a bottle, or $10 for a box. It's best to only buy the bottle since the box comes with an unnecessary pre-rinse formula and a mouthpiece. The product works pretty well for most people and is one of the best because it only takes five minutes each day.

Crest White Strips

Crest White Strips is perhaps one of the best products to buy to whiten your teeth at home. Although the strips move around too much in some people's mouths, they're extremely effective and you'll notice a difference within within a couple of weeks. The price isn't always fun, one box costs roughly $33, but it's worth it when the new shade of your teeth will last about six months. Although I've tried many products, I always end up going back to Crest White Strips.

Rembrant Whitening Strips

Rembrant is another whitening product known to work effectively. The taste is a bit disgusting, but if you can get past that you'll definitely notice a difference. Rembrant is different because the strips stay on your teeth better than Crest White Strips, and you get quicker results than Crest. However, it's harder to get the gunk off when removing the strips; you have to brush your teeth instead of just rinse your mouth out, like Crest. A box runs around $20, which isn't too bad.

Aquafresh White Trays

Aquafresh White Trays are not as effective, even if it is affordable at $20 a box. The mouthpiece isn't molded to each person's teeth, so the product can't sit as well in the mouth. The product is known to be harsh on the gums and teeth, even if it does work in a few days. Another drawback is that it doesn't cover as many teeth as Plus White.

BriteSmile To Go Whitening Pen

Perhaps one of the cheaper ways to go, BriteSmile is only $10 for one pen. Although the price will make you happy, the product won't. It's known to only work only a little, and not to the effect that you'll want. The pens are easy to use, but again, you might not see much of a difference after using it for two weeks.

Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips
This product is a little more creative than the rest because the strips dissolve in your mouth after ten minutes--well, sometimes. They're known to leave residue and pieces of the strip still in your mouth, but they are still a bit effective. They won't make your teeth look brand new, but will brighten the shade. It's more gentle on your teeth than other products, and the taste isn't so bad. One box is about $35, which is more expensive than most of the products out there, but worth it if you have sensitive, yellow teeth.

Katie Cervantes
Live OC Magazine

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