Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Artwork and Review By: Daniel Albert

Upon immediate viewing of the trailer for David Fincher's most recent, and most poignant, biopic-esque film The Social Network, I was hooked.  Also being a fan of the man's work didn't hurt.  With films like Seven, Fight Club, and The Game I knew from the get go this wasn't just a movie about a social networking website.  Imagine my surprise when quite a few people I knew had no desire to see it stating "It looks so stupid who wants to watch a movie about Facebook?"

Were they even paying attention?  The trailers for The Social Network were so obviously beyond just a "Facebook Movie" that I legitimately got upset at the ignorance with which it was cast aside.

Upon viewing I was proven correct.  The Social Network is surely this generation's most socially conscious yet dramatically traditional film.  Every key aspect of a well plotted drama is there; friendship, love, betrayal, sex, humor, violence, Fincher's film has it all.

While it is indeed the story of the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg (played exceptionally by Jesse Eisenberg), this plotline ends up being only a sliver of the film as a whole.  Instead we get an onslaught of fully fleshed out characters all fighting for their piece of a multi-billion dollar idea.  The Winklevoss twins (portrayed through some exceptional cinematical magic by Armie Hammer) are the quinessential social elite, used to getting their way come hell or high water, refusing to give up what they claim is their original idea.  Edwuardo Saverin (played equally as well by Andrew Garfield, despite the Oscar snub) is the friend turned enemy as a simple idea turns into a virtual cash cow.  Other secondary characters such as Napster know-it-all Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) and love interest/ex girlfriend Erica Albright (Rooney Mara) are a bit of exemplary casting that end up filling out the character list nicely.

It's these characters that form a sort of Ivy League melting pot that is not only believable, but extremely interesting.  Each has their own story to tell which ends up fitting together without the slightest gap, adding to the overall sense of low key drama within the film. 

Although it's been said (especially by Mark himself) that Eisenberg's mannerisms were indulgent and over the top it hardly matters.  Most of us will never meet Mark Zuckerberg and at the end of the day Eisenberg is portraying him, not mimicking him.  You want so bad to hate him for his condescending nature and shun him for his awkward social skills, but in the end you can't help but feel sorry for the guy.  That's how good the film is!  It has you feeling a bit sorry for a multi-billionaire!

Beautifully shot and overall compelling I'd add this movie to my friends list any day.

Rating: A

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